
Add: VGI_CERT_HASH environment variable

Add: enable optional untrusted client certificate


New release: 0.1.4

Remove debug log

Refactoring of logging

Add: more logs

Add: more logs (raw buffer on "Bad request")

Hypothesis: tls_write infinitely returns 0

Del: unnecessary condition

Add: more logs

Add thread id logging

Add more debug prints

Add time labels (debug)

Fix: Providing a MIME type for status 20 responses is now mandatory gemini://

Fix: redirect "dir" to "dir/"

Fix: ignore SIGPIPE

Refactoring: open file and its name together.

Add MIME types

Before MIME: return opened file path

Refectoring: C++ code style

Refectoring: URL parser -> Gemini request parser

Print error to one string

Add C++ coding style

Refactoring: parse_url -> extract_url_path