Commit Diff

commit - 0fc414424b202ec7078b7198e6420dab05116cb9
commit + 4acbf994ae02d25a0bf1246afa8a910382a03bff
blob - 094a44912c71f2bb2f0a53bce6107146911397a9
blob + 61b7bd6bc9df99a108fca291d18a79aeacf0bfb4
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ from json import loads as json_loads
 from mimetypes import guess_type
 from os import environ
 from pathlib import Path
-from sys import stdout
+from sys import stdout, stderr
 from sqlite3 import connect as sqlite3_connect
+from time import clock_gettime, CLOCK_MONOTONIC
 from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
 from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlunsplit, urljoin, urlsplit, parse_qsl, unquote, quote
 from urllib.request import urlopen
@@ -239,11 +240,12 @@ def _proxy_url_factory(proxy_media_enabled, lonk_url):
 def demo(lonk_url, honk_url):
     collected = {}
+    banned = set()
     home = honk_url.do_get(action="gethonks", page="home")
     for honk in reversed(home["honks"]):
         convoy = honk["Convoy"]
-        if convoy in collected:
+        if convoy in collected or convoy in banned:
         if honk.get("RID"):
             for honk_in_convoy in honk_url.do_get(action="gethonks", page="convoy", c=convoy)["honks"]:
@@ -252,6 +254,8 @@ def demo(lonk_url, honk_url):
                     header = f'## From: {from_}, {honk_in_convoy["Date"]} (๐Ÿงต {honk["Handle"]})'
                     collected[convoy] = (honk_in_convoy, header)
+            else:
+                banned.add(convoy)
             oondle = honk.get("Oondle")
             if oondle:
@@ -280,13 +284,41 @@ def demo(lonk_url, honk_url):
 def _create_schema(db_con, cert_hash):
-    db_con.execute("""
+    db_con.execute(
+        """
             client (
                 client_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
                 cert_hash TEXT UNIQUE,
                 honk_url TEXT NOT NULL,
                 token TEXT NOT NULL
+            )
+        """
+    )
+    db_con.execute(
+        """
+            convoy (
+                convoy_id TEXT,
+                client_id INTEGER,
+                header TEXT,
+                FOREIGN KEY (client_id) REFERENCES client(client_id),
+                PRIMARY KEY (convoy_id, client_id)
+            )
+        """
+    )
+    db_con.execute(
+        """
+            honk (
+                honk_id INTEGER,
+                client_id INTEGER,
+                convoy_id TEXT,
+                url TEXT NOT NULL,
+                html TEXT NOT NULL,
+                FOREIGN KEY (client_id) REFERENCES client(client_id),
+                FOREIGN KEY (convoy_id) REFERENCES convoy(convoy_id),
+                PRIMARY KEY (honk_id, client_id)
@@ -311,17 +343,84 @@ def db_connect(cert_hash):
         with db_con:
             _create_schema(db_con, cert_hash)
     return db_con
+def _lonk_impl(db_con, client_id, lonk_url, honk_url):
+    row = db_con.execute(
+        "SELECT MAX(honk_id) FROM honk WHERE client_id=?",
+        (client_id, )
+    )
+    after, = row
+    home = honk_url.do_get(action="gethonks", page="home", after=after)
+    for honk in reversed(home["honks"]):
+        convoy_id = honk["Convoy"]
+        raise RuntimeError(convoy_id)
+        row = db_con.execute(
+            "SELECT convoy.header, honk.url, honk.html FROM convoy JOIN honk USING (convoy_id) WHERE convoy.client_id=? AND convoy_id=?",
+            (client_id, convoy_id)
+        ).fetchone()
+        if row:
+            continue
+        def _save_convoy_and_honk(header, honk):
+            db_con.execute(
+                """
+                INSERT INTO 
+                    convoy(convoy_id, client_id, header)
+                VALUES 
+                    (?, ?, ?)
+                """,
+                (convoy_id, client_id, header)
+            )
+            db_con.execute(
+                """
+                INSERT INTO
+                    honk (honk_id, client_id, convoy_id, url, html)
+                VALUES
+                    (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
+                """,
+                (honk["ID"], client_id, convoy_id, honk["XID"], honk["HTML"])
+            )
+        if honk.get("RID"):
+            for honk_in_convoy in honk_url.do_get(action="gethonks", page="convoy", c=convoy_id)["honks"]:
+                if not honk_in_convoy.get("RID"):
+                    from_ = honk_in_convoy.get("Oondle") or honk_in_convoy["Handle"]
+                    header = f'## From: {from_}, {honk_in_convoy["Date"]} (๐Ÿงต {honk["Handle"]})'
+                    _save_convoy_and_honk(header, honk_in_convoy)
+                    break
+            else:
+                db_con.execute(
+                    """
+                    INSERT INTO 
+                        convoy(convoy_id, client_id)
+                    VALUES 
+                        (?, ?)
+                    """,
+                    (convoy_id, client_id)
+                )
+        else:
+            honk_from = honk.get("Oondle") or honk["Handle"]
+            oondle = honk.get("Oondle")
+            if oondle:
+                header = f'From: {oondle}, {honk["Date"]} (๐Ÿ” {honk["Handle"]})'
+            else:
+                header = f'From: {honk["Handle"]}, {honk["Date"]}'
+            _save_convoy_and_honk(header, honk)
 def lonk(cert_hash, lonk_url):
     db_con = db_connect(cert_hash)
-    row = db_con.execute("SELECT client_id, honk_url, token FROM client WHERE cert_hash = ?", (cert_hash, )).fetchone()
+    row = db_con.execute("SELECT client_id, honk_url, token FROM client WHERE cert_hash=?", (cert_hash, )).fetchone()
     if not row:
         print(f'30 {"ask_server")}\r')
     client_id, honk_url, token = row
-    demo(lonk_url, HonkUrl(honk_url, token))
+    with db_con:
+        _lonk_impl(db_con, client_id, lonk_url, HonkUrl(honk_url, token))
+        # demo(lonk_url, HonkUrl(honk_url, token))
 def new_client_stage_1_ask_server(lonk_url):
@@ -382,8 +481,8 @@ def proxy(mime, url):
-def vgi(cert_hash):
-    lonk_url = LonkUrl(input().strip())
+def vgi(cert_hash, raw_url):
+    lonk_url = LonkUrl(raw_url)
     if == "lonk":
         lonk(cert_hash, lonk_url)
     elif == "ask_server":
@@ -406,7 +505,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
     cert_hash = environ.get("VGI_CERT_HASH")
     if cert_hash:
-            vgi(cert_hash)
+            start_time = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
+            try:
+                raw_url = input().strip()
+                vgi(cert_hash, raw_url)
+            finally:
+                stderr.write(f"{raw_url}|{clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - start_time:.3f}sec.\n")
         except HTTPError as error:
             print(f"43 Remote server return {error.code}: {error.reason}\r")
         except URLError as error: