Commit Diff

commit - b0c5ad6847e614fab6be94f3cdaacefa1eda5769
commit + 4e7950e1115bb33752f83affbb29a755bff439bc
blob - f9eb0771572b3583a7b115458bae5b491a4e8331
blob + 590430b8eccd03bcfd3f3c2d834c5b4e9c6b9607
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python3
-from datetime import datetime
 from json import loads as json_loads
 from mimetypes import guess_type
 from os import environ
@@ -129,11 +128,11 @@ class HtmlToGmi(HTMLParser):
         elif tag in {"blockquote", "q"}:
             _push(QuoteTag(tag, attrs))
         elif tag == "a":
-            href = {attr_name: attr_value for attr_name, attr_value in attrs}.get("href")
+            href = dict(attrs).get("href")
             if href:
                 self.stack.append(LinkTag(urljoin(self.base_url, href), self._get_current_paragraph(), tag, attrs))
         elif tag == "img":
-            img = {attr_name: attr_value for attr_name, attr_value in attrs}
+            img = dict(attrs)
             title = img.get("title") or ""
             if img.get("class") == "emu" and title and self.stack:
@@ -231,14 +230,14 @@ class HonkUrl:
 def _proxy_url_factory(proxy_media_enabled, lonk_url):
     def _get_proxy_url(mime, url):
         return (
-  "proxy", urlencode({"m": mime, "u": url})) 
+  "proxy", urlencode({"m": mime, "u": url}))
             if mime and proxy_media_enabled else
     return _get_proxy_url
-def _create_schema(db_con, cert_hash):
+def _create_schema(db_con):
@@ -282,104 +281,126 @@ def _create_schema(db_con, cert_hash):
-    # ==========================================================================
-    # TODO: test code (cert_hash must be removed, cascade)
-    with open(".local/settings.json") as f:
-        settings = json_loads(
-    db_con.execute(
-        "INSERT INTO client (cert_hash, honk_url, token) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
-        (cert_hash, settings["server"], settings["token"])
-    )
-    # ==========================================================================
-def db_connect(cert_hash):
+def db_connect():
     db_file_path = Path(__file__).parent / ".local" / "db"
     db_file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
     db_exist = db_file_path.exists()
     db_con = sqlite3_connect(db_file_path)
     if not db_exist:
         with db_con:
-            _create_schema(db_con, cert_hash)
+            _create_schema(db_con)
     return db_con
-def _lonk_impl(db_con, client_id, lonk_url, honk_url):
-    row = db_con.execute(
-        "SELECT MAX(honk_id) FROM convoy WHERE client_id=?",
-        (client_id, )
-    ).fetchone()
-    after, = row
+class _Collected:
+    def __init__(self, convoy_id, convoy, honk_id, honker, url, html, date):
+        self.convoy_id = convoy_id
+        self.convoy = convoy
+        self.honk_id = honk_id
+        self.honker = honker
+        self.url = url
+        self.html = html
+ = date
+        self._donks = None
-    fn_media_url = _proxy_url_factory(environ.get("LONK_PROXY_MEDIA"), lonk_url)
+    def add_donk(self, donk_url, mime, alt_text):
+        if self._donks is None:
+            self._donks = [(donk_url, mime, alt_text)]
+        else:
+            self._donks.append((donk_url, mime, alt_text))
-    home = honk_url.do_get(action="gethonks", page="home", after=after)
+    def end_of_donks(self):
+        if self._donks is None:
+            self._donks = []
+    def iterate_donks(self, db_con):
+        if self._donks is not None:
+            yield from self._donks
+            return
+        res_donks = db_con.execute(
+            "SELECT url, mime, alt_text FROM donk WHERE convoy_id=?",
+            (self.convoy_id, )
+        )
+        while True:
+            donks = res_donks.fetchmany()
+            if not donks:
+                return
+            yield from donks
+def _lonk_impl(db_con, client_id, lonk_url, honk_url):
+    fn_media_url = _proxy_url_factory(environ.get("LONK_PROXY_MEDIA"), lonk_url)
+    home = honk_url.do_get(action="gethonks", page="home")
+    lonk_page = {}
     for honk in reversed(home.get("honks") or []):
         convoy = honk["Convoy"]
+        if convoy in lonk_page:
+            continue
         row = db_con.execute(
-            "SELECT convoy_id FROM convoy WHERE client_id=? AND convoy=?",
+            "SELECT convoy_id, convoy, honk_id, honker, url, html, date FROM convoy WHERE client_id=? AND convoy=?",
             (client_id, convoy)
         if row:
+            lonk_page[convoy] = _Collected(*row)
-        def _save_convoy(honker, honk):
+        def _save_convoy(convoy, honker, honk):
             row = db_con.execute(
                 INSERT INTO 
                     convoy(convoy, client_id, honk_id, honker, url, html, date)
                     (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
-                RETURNING convoy_id
+                RETURNING
+                    convoy_id
                 (convoy, client_id, honk["ID"], honker, honk["XID"], honk["HTML"], honk["Date"])
             convoy_id, = row
+            lonk_page[convoy] = _Collected(
+                convoy_id, convoy, honk["ID"], honker, honk["XID"], honk["HTML"], honk["Date"]
+            )
             for donk in (honk.get("Donks") or []):
                 donk_url = honk_url.build_url(path=f'/d/{donk["XID"]}') if donk.get("XID") else donk["URL"]
+                mime, alt_text = donk["Media"], donk.get("Desc") or donk.get("Name") or None
                     "INSERT INTO donk (convoy_id, url, mime, alt_text) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
-                    (convoy_id, donk_url, donk["Media"], donk.get("Desc") or donk.get("Name") or None)
+                    (lonk_page[convoy].convoy_id, donk_url, mime, alt_text, )
+                lonk_page[convoy].add_donk(donk_url, mime, alt_text)
+            lonk_page[convoy].end_of_donks()
         if honk.get("RID"):
             for honk_in_convoy in honk_url.do_get(action="gethonks", page="convoy", c=convoy)["honks"]:
                 if not honk_in_convoy.get("RID"):
                     author = honk_in_convoy.get("Oondle") or honk_in_convoy["Handle"]
                     honker = f'{author} (🧵 {honk["Handle"]})'
-                    _save_convoy(honker, honk_in_convoy)
+                    _save_convoy(convoy, honker, honk_in_convoy)
-                db_con.execute(
+                row = db_con.execute(
                     INSERT INTO 
                         convoy(convoy, client_id, honk_id)
                         (?, ?, ?)
+                    RETURNING 
+                        convoy_id
                     (convoy, client_id, honk["ID"])
-                )
+                ).fetchone()
+                convoy_id, = row
+                lonk_page[convoy] = _Collected(convoy_id, convoy, None, None, None, None, None)
             oondle = honk.get("Oondle")
             honker = f'{oondle} (🔁 {honk["Handle"]})' if oondle else f'{honk["Handle"]}'
-            _save_convoy(honker, honk)
+            _save_convoy(convoy, honker, honk)
-    res = db_con.execute(
-        """
-        SELECT 
-            convoy_id, honker, url, html, date
-        FROM
-            convoy
-        WHERE 
-            client_id=? AND honker IS NOT NULL
-        ORDER BY 
-            convoy_id DESC 
-        LIMIT 256
-        """,
-        (client_id, )
-    )
     print("20 text/gemini\r")
     print("# 𝓗 onk\r")
@@ -395,37 +416,26 @@ def _lonk_impl(db_con, client_id, lonk_url, honk_url):
     print(line + "\r")
-    while True:
-        rows = res.fetchmany()
-        if not rows:
-            break
+    for collected in reversed(lonk_page.values()):
+        if collected.honker is None:
+            continue
+        lines = [
+            f"## From {collected.honker} {}",
+            f"=> {collected.url}",
+            HtmlToGmi(honk_url.build_url(), fn_media_url).feed(collected.html)
+        ]
-        for row in rows:
-            convoy_id, honker, url, html, date, = row
-            lines = [
-                f"## From {honker} {date}",
-                f"=> {url}",
-                HtmlToGmi(honk_url.build_url(), fn_media_url).feed(html)
-            ]
-            res_donks = db_con.execute(
-                "SELECT url, mime, alt_text FROM donk WHERE convoy_id=?",
-                (convoy_id, )
-            )
-            while True:
-                donks = res_donks.fetchmany()
-                if not donks:
-                    break
-                for donk in donks:
-                    donk_url, donk_mime, donk_text, = donk
-                    lines.append(f'=> {fn_media_url(donk_mime, donk_url)}')
-                    if donk_text:
-                        lines.append(donk_text)
-            print("\r\n".join(lines))
-            print("\r")
+        for donk_url, donk_mime, donk_text in collected.iterate_donks(db_con):
+            lines.append(f'=> {fn_media_url(donk_mime, donk_url)}')
+            if donk_text:
+                lines.append(donk_text)
+        print("\r\n".join(lines))
+        print("\r")
 def lonk(cert_hash, lonk_url):
-    db_con = db_connect(cert_hash)
+    db_con = db_connect()
     row = db_con.execute("SELECT client_id, honk_url, token FROM client WHERE cert_hash=?", (cert_hash, )).fetchone()
     if not row:
         print(f'30 {"ask_server")}\r')
@@ -440,8 +450,6 @@ def new_client_stage_1_ask_server(lonk_url):
         print("10 Honk server URL\r")
     splitted = urlsplit(unquote(lonk_url.query))
-    honk_url = urlunsplit((splitted.scheme, splitted.netloc, "", "", ""))
     path = [quote(urlunsplit((splitted.scheme, splitted.netloc, "", "", "")), safe=""), "ask_username"]
     print(f'30 {}\r')
@@ -474,7 +482,7 @@ def new_client_stage_3_ask_password(cert_hash, lonk_ur
     with urlopen(honk_url + "/dologin", data=urlencode(post_data).encode(), timeout=15) as f:
         token ="utf8")
-    db_con = db_connect(cert_hash)
+    db_con = db_connect()
     with db_con:
             "INSERT INTO client (cert_hash, honk_url, token) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
@@ -514,15 +522,15 @@ def vgi(cert_hash, raw_url):
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    cert_hash = environ.get("VGI_CERT_HASH")
-    if cert_hash:
+    cert_hash_ = environ.get("VGI_CERT_HASH")
+    if cert_hash_:
             start_time = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)
-                raw_url = input().strip()
-                vgi(cert_hash, raw_url)
+                input_url = input().strip()
+                vgi(cert_hash_, input_url)
-                stderr.write(f"{cert_hash}|{raw_url}|{clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - start_time:.3f}sec.\n")
+                stderr.write(f"{cert_hash_}|{input_url}|{clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) - start_time:.3f}sec.\n")
         except HTTPError as error:
             print(f"43 Remote server return {error.code}: {error.reason}\r")
         except URLError as error:
blob - b4f00241cdc9d1d15900206ebe3aa4860a9f2f8f
blob + ab4b022bf5c7162b225518866f3eae5abeb9a94a
@@ -2,10 +2,14 @@ from unittest import TestCase, main
 from lonk import HtmlToGmi
+def fn_media_url(mime, img_url):
+    return img_url
 class TestHtmlToGmi(TestCase):
     def test_br(self):
         html = '<p>head<br>tail</p>'
-        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("https://localhost/api").feed(html), """\
+        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("https://localhost/api", fn_media_url).feed(html), """\
@@ -13,18 +17,18 @@ tail
     def test_img_realtive(self):
         html = '<img src="/d/xxxx.jpg" title="yyy">'
-        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("https://localhost/api").feed(html), "=> https://localhost/d/xxxx.jpg yyy")
+        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("https://localhost/api", fn_media_url).feed(html), "=> https://localhost/d/xxxx.jpg yyy")
     def test_link_realtive(self):
         html = '<p>head <a href="/sub1/1">https link</a> tail</p>'
-        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("https://localhost/api").feed(html), """\
+        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("https://localhost/api", fn_media_url).feed(html), """\
 head ↳ https link tail
 => https://localhost/sub1/1 https link
     def test_links_in_paragraph(self):
         html = '<p>head <a href="">https link</a> <a href="gemini://">gemini link</a> tail</p>'
-        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("").feed(html), """\
+        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("", fn_media_url).feed(html), """\
 head ↳ https link ↳ gemini link tail
 => https link
 => gemini:// gemini link
@@ -32,11 +36,11 @@ head ↳ https link ↳ gemini link tail
     def test_in_text_tag(self):
         html = "<p><b>bold</b> text</p>"
-        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("").feed(html), "bold text\n")
+        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("", fn_media_url).feed(html), "bold text\n")
     def test_img_emu(self):
         html = "aa <img class=\"emu\" title=\":blobcatgooglyshrug:\" src=\"/d/6ytBYw515CvqFJZ8N2.png\"> bb</p>"
-        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("").feed(html), "aa :blobcatgooglyshrug: bb\n")
+        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("", fn_media_url).feed(html), "aa :blobcatgooglyshrug: bb\n")
     def test_html2gmi_header(self):
         html = """\
@@ -45,7 +49,7 @@ head ↳ https link ↳ gemini link tail
             <h2>Header 1.1</h2>
             <p>Paragraph 1.1</p>
-        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("").feed(html), """\
+        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("", fn_media_url).feed(html), """\
 # Header 1
 Paragraph 1
@@ -64,7 +68,7 @@ def fib(n):
     return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 1)
-        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("").feed(html), """\
+        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("", fn_media_url).feed(html), """\
 def fib(n):
@@ -84,7 +88,7 @@ def fib(n):
                 <dd>White cold drink</dd>
-        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("").feed(html), """\
+        self.assertEqual(HtmlToGmi("", fn_media_url).feed(html), """\
 * Coffee
 Black hot drink