commit - fafb2ce7fd7a140705547330b120fa1e68c0d961
commit + 8b4f10af8c5df796723cc66ee799c06f0c84875a
blob - d110abd2c054f4b095428779a88ab0be21bcce59
blob + 8e114e9f198bf3aabe8cbe4e4dcfa5fba1edba84
donk (
+ client_id INTEGER,
convoy_id INTEGER,
mime TEXT,
alt_text TEXT,
+ FOREIGN KEY (client_id) REFERENCES client (client_id),
FOREIGN KEY (convoy_id) REFERENCES convoy (convoy_id)
return db_con
-class _Collected:
+class _LonkTreeItem:
def __init__(self, convoy_id, convoy, honk_id, honker, url, html, date):
self.convoy_id = convoy_id
self.convoy = convoy
self.url = url
self.html = html = date
- self._donks = None
- self._reason_thread = []
- self._reason_repost = []
- def add_donk(self, donk_url, mime, alt_text):
- if self._donks is None:
- self._donks = [(donk_url, mime, alt_text)]
- else:
- self._donks.append((donk_url, mime, alt_text))
- def end_of_donks(self):
- if self._donks is None:
- self._donks = []
- def iterate_donks(self, db_con):
- if self._donks is not None:
- yield from self._donks
- return
- res_donks = db_con.execute(
- "SELECT url, mime, alt_text FROM donk WHERE convoy_id=?",
- (self.convoy_id, )
- )
- while True:
- donks = res_donks.fetchmany()
- if not donks:
- return
- yield from donks
+ self.donks = []
+ self.reposters = []
+ self.thread = []
- def add_reason_thread(self, reason):
- if reason not in self._reason_thread:
- self._reason_thread.append(reason)
- def add_reason_repost(self, reason):
- if reason not in self._reason_repost:
- self._reason_repost.append(reason)
- def format_reason(self):
- repost = ", ".join(reason for reason in self._reason_repost)
- thread = ", ".join(thread for thread in self._reason_thread)
- rv = ""
- if repost:
- rv += f" (๐ {repost})"
- if thread:
- rv += f" (๐งต {thread})"
- return rv
+ def iterate_honks(self):
+ if self.html is not None:
+ handle = self.honker
+ if self.reposters:
+ handle += " (๐ " + ", ".join(reason for reason in set(self.reposters)) + ")"
+ yield {
+ "Convoy": self.convoy,
+ "Handle": handle,
+ "ID": self.honk_id,
+ "XID": self.url,
+ "HTML": self.html,
+ "Date":,
+ "Donks": [
+ {"URL": donk[0], "Media": donk[1], "Desc": donk[2]}
+ for donk in self.donks
+ ]
+ }
+ child_honks = self.thread[:]
+ child_honks.reverse()
+ yield from reversed(child_honks)
-def lonk(db_con, client_id, lonk_url, honk_url):
+def page_lonk(db_con, client_id, lonk_url, honk_url):
gethonks_answer = honk_url.do_get(action="gethonks", page="home")
- lonk_page = {}
- for honk in reversed(gethonks_answer.get("honks") or []):
- if honk.get("RID"):
- reason_fn = _Collected.add_reason_thread
- reason = honk["Handle"]
- else:
- reason_fn = _Collected.add_reason_repost
- oondle = honk.get("Oondle")
- reason = honk["Handle"] if oondle else None
+ lonk_page = {}
+ for honk in (gethonks_answer.pop("honks", None) or []):
convoy = honk["Convoy"]
- if convoy in lonk_page:
- if reason_fn and reason:
- reason_fn(lonk_page[convoy], reason)
- continue
- row = db_con.execute(
- "SELECT convoy_id, convoy, honk_id, honker, url, html, date FROM convoy WHERE client_id=? AND convoy=?",
- (client_id, convoy)
- ).fetchone()
- if row:
- lonk_page[convoy] = _Collected(*row)
- if reason_fn and reason:
- reason_fn(lonk_page[convoy], reason)
- continue
- def _save_convoy(convoy, honker, honk):
+ if convoy not in lonk_page:
row = db_con.execute(
- """
- convoy(convoy, client_id, honk_id, honker, url, html, date)
- (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
- convoy_id
- """,
- (convoy, client_id, honk["ID"], honker, honk["XID"], honk["HTML"], honk["Date"])
+ "SELECT convoy_id, convoy, honk_id, honker, url, html, date FROM convoy WHERE client_id=? AND convoy=?",
+ (client_id, convoy)
- convoy_id, = row
- lonk_page[convoy] = _Collected(
- convoy_id, convoy, honk["ID"], honker, honk["XID"], honk["HTML"], honk["Date"]
- )
- for donk in (honk.get("Donks") or []):
- donk_url = honk_url.build_url(path=f'/d/{donk["XID"]}') if donk.get("XID") else donk["URL"]
- mime, alt_text = donk["Media"], donk.get("Desc") or donk.get("Name") or None
- db_con.execute(
- "INSERT INTO donk (convoy_id, url, mime, alt_text) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)",
- (lonk_page[convoy].convoy_id, donk_url, mime, alt_text, )
- )
- lonk_page[convoy].add_donk(donk_url, mime, alt_text)
- lonk_page[convoy].end_of_donks()
+ if row:
+ lonk_page[convoy] = _LonkTreeItem(*row)
+ res_donks = db_con.execute(
+ "SELECT url, mime, alt_text FROM donk WHERE client_id=? AND convoy_id=?",
+ (client_id, lonk_page[convoy].convoy_id, )
+ )
+ while True:
+ donks = res_donks.fetchmany()
+ if not donks:
+ break
- if honk.get("RID"):
- for honk_in_convoy in honk_url.do_get(action="gethonks", page="convoy", c=convoy)["honks"]:
- if not honk_in_convoy.get("RID"):
- honker = honk_in_convoy.get("Oondle") or honk_in_convoy["Handle"]
- _save_convoy(convoy, honker, honk_in_convoy)
- if reason_fn and reason:
- reason_fn(lonk_page[convoy], reason)
- break
- else:
+ for donk in donks:
+ donk_url, donk_mime, donk_text = donk
+ lonk_page[convoy].donks.append((donk_url, donk_mime, donk_text))
+ if convoy not in lonk_page:
+ def _save_convoy(convoy, honker, honk):
row = db_con.execute(
- convoy(convoy, client_id, honk_id)
+ convoy(convoy, client_id, honk_id, honker, url, html, date)
- (?, ?, ?)
+ (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
- (convoy, client_id, honk["ID"])
+ (convoy, client_id, honk["ID"], honker, honk["XID"], honk["HTML"], honk["Date"])
convoy_id, = row
- lonk_page[convoy] = _Collected(convoy_id, convoy, None, None, None, None, None)
- else:
- honker = honk.get("Oondle") or honk["Handle"]
- _save_convoy(convoy, honker, honk)
- if reason_fn and reason:
- reason_fn(lonk_page[convoy], reason)
+ lonk_page[convoy] = _LonkTreeItem(
+ convoy_id, convoy, honk["ID"], honker, honk["XID"], honk["HTML"], honk["Date"]
+ )
- print("20 text/gemini\r")
- print("# ๐ onk: lonk\r")
- print("\r")
+ for donk in (honk.get("Donks") or []):
+ donk_url = honk_url.build_url(path=f'/d/{donk["XID"]}') if donk.get("XID") else donk["URL"]
+ donk_mime, donk_text = donk["Media"], donk.get("Desc") or donk.get("Name") or None
+ db_con.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO donk (client_id, convoy_id, url, mime, alt_text) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
+ (client_id, lonk_page[convoy].convoy_id, donk_url, donk_mime, donk_text, )
+ )
+ lonk_page[convoy].donks.append((donk_url, donk_mime, donk_text))
- line = f"=> {'atme')} @me"
- if gethonks_answer["mecount"]:
- line += f' ({gethonks_answer["mecount"]})'
- print(line + "\r")
+ if honk.get("RID"):
+ for honk_in_convoy in honk_url.do_get(action="gethonks", page="convoy", c=convoy)["honks"]:
+ if not honk_in_convoy.get("RID"):
+ honker = honk_in_convoy.get("Oondle") or honk_in_convoy["Handle"]
+ _save_convoy(convoy, honker, honk_in_convoy)
+ break
+ else:
+ _save_convoy(convoy, None, {"ID": None, "XID": None, "HTML": None, "Date": None})
+ else:
+ _save_convoy(convoy, honk.get("Oondle") or honk["Handle"], honk)
- line = f"=> {honk_url.build_url(path='chatter')} chatter"
- if gethonks_answer["chatcount"]:
- line += f' ({gethonks_answer["chatcount"]})'
- print(line + "\r")
- print("\r")
+ if honk.get("What") == "bonked":
+ lonk_page[convoy].reposters.append(honk["Handle"])
+ if honk.get("RID"):
+ lonk_page[convoy].thread.append(honk)
- for collected in reversed(lonk_page.values()):
- if collected.honker is None:
- continue
+ gethonks_answer["honks"] = []
+ for tree_item in lonk_page.values():
+ gethonks_answer["honks"] += list(tree_item.iterate_honks())
- lines = [
- f"## From {collected.honker}{collected.format_reason()} {}",
- f'=> {"convoy", urlencode({"c": collected.convoy}))} Convoy {collected.convoy}',
- HtmlToGmi(honk_url.build_url(),
- ]
- for donk_url, donk_mime, donk_text in collected.iterate_donks(db_con):
- lines.append(f'=> {, donk_url)}')
- if donk_text:
- lines.append(donk_text)
- print("\r\n".join(lines))
- print("\r")
+ print("20 text/gemini\r")
+ print("# ๐ onk: lonk\r")
+ print("\r")
+ print_gethonks(gethonks_answer, lonk_url, honk_url)
-def convoy(db_con, client_id, lonk_url, honk_url):
+def page_convoy(db_con, client_id, lonk_url, honk_url):
query = {pair[0]: pair[1] for pair in parse_qsl(lonk_url.query)}
if "c" not in query:
print("51 Not found\r")
gethonks_answer = honk_url.do_get(action="gethonks", page="convoy", c=query["c"])
+ gethonks_answer["honks"] = [
+ honk
+ for honk in (gethonks_answer.pop("honks", None) or [])
+ if honk.get("What") != "bonked"
+ ]
print("20 text/gemini\r")
print(f"# ๐ onk: convoy {query['c']}\r")
- _gethonks(gethonks_answer, lonk_url, honk_url)
+ print_gethonks(gethonks_answer, lonk_url, honk_url)
-def atme(db_con, client_id, lonk_url, honk_url):
+def page_atme(db_con, client_id, lonk_url, honk_url):
gethonks_answer = honk_url.do_get(action="gethonks", page="atme")
print("20 text/gemini\r")
print("# ๐ onk: @me")
- _gethonks(gethonks_answer, lonk_url, honk_url)
+ print_gethonks(gethonks_answer, lonk_url, honk_url)
-def _gethonks(gethonks_answer, lonk_url, honk_url):
+def print_gethonks(gethonks_answer, lonk_url, honk_url):
line = f"=> {'atme')} @me"
if gethonks_answer["mecount"]:
line += f' ({gethonks_answer["mecount"]})'
def vgi(cert_hash, raw_url):
lonk_url = LonkUrl(raw_url)
if == "lonk":
- authenticated(cert_hash, lonk_url, lonk)
+ authenticated(cert_hash, lonk_url, page_lonk)
elif == "convoy":
- authenticated(cert_hash, lonk_url, convoy)
+ authenticated(cert_hash, lonk_url, page_convoy)
elif == "atme":
- authenticated(cert_hash, lonk_url, atme)
+ authenticated(cert_hash, lonk_url, page_atme)
elif == "ask_server":
elif == "ask_username":