Commit Diff

commit - 577b12da144a505da89ff3710bedb70d3e67175e
commit + e03b8dd39559fe4a0f3416fe33ecbc0145c45ee9
blob - da97511c010f4a47ae6bd8b745a3e771351d49ed
blob + 86ee11075e51b794dabf4d95f03481e944ed0506
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from pathlib import Path
 from sys import stdout
 from sqlite3 import connect as sqlite3_connect
 from urllib.error import HTTPError, URLError
-from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlunsplit, urljoin, urlsplit, parse_qsl, unquote
+from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlunsplit, urljoin, urlsplit, parse_qsl, unquote, quote
 from urllib.request import urlopen
 from html.parser import HTMLParser
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ class _BaseTag:
         self.tag = tag
     def on_data(self, data):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        raise AssertionError("The method must be overridden")
     def flush(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError()
+        raise AssertionError("The method must be overridden")
 class ParagraphTag(_BaseTag):
@@ -206,17 +206,35 @@ def _format_honk(honk, header, fn_media_url):
     return "\n".join(lines)
+class LonkUrl:
+    def __init__(self, raw_url):
+        self._splitted_url = urlsplit(raw_url)
+        self.splitted_path = [part for part in self._splitted_url.path.split("/") if part]
+ = self.splitted_path[-1]
+        self._base_path = []
+        for path_part in self.splitted_path:
+            self._base_path.append(path_part)
+            if path_part == "lonk":
+                break
+    def build(self, page, query=""):
+        page = page if isinstance(page, list) else [page]
+        return urlunsplit(
+            ("gemini", self._splitted_url.netloc, "/".join(self._base_path + page), query, "")
+        )
+    @property
+    def query(self):
+        return self._splitted_url.query
 def _proxy_url_factory(proxy_media_enabled, lonk_url):
     def _get_proxy_url(mime, url):
-        return urlunsplit(
-            (
-                "gemini",
-                lonk_url.netloc,
-                lonk_url.path + "/proxy",
-                urlencode({"m": mime, "u": url}),
-                "",
-            )
-        ) if mime and proxy_media_enabled else url
+        return (
+  "proxy", urlencode({"m": mime, "u": url})) 
+            if mime and proxy_media_enabled else
+            url
+        )
     return _get_proxy_url
@@ -279,7 +297,8 @@ def db_connect():
     db_exist = db_file_path.exists()
     db_con = sqlite3_connect(db_file_path)
     if not db_exist:
-        _create_schema(db_con)
+        with db_con:
+            _create_schema(db_con)
     return db_con
@@ -287,24 +306,60 @@ def lonk(cert_hash, lonk_url):
     db_con = db_connect()
     row = db_con.execute("SELECT client_id, honk_url, token FROM client WHERE cert_hash = ?", (cert_hash, )).fetchone()
     if not row:
-        new_client_url = urlunsplit(
-            ("gemini", lonk_url.netloc, lonk_url.path + "/new_client", "", "")
-        )
-        print(f"30 {new_client_url}\r")
+        print(f'30 {"ask_server")}\r')
-    raise RuntimeError(row)
+    client_id, honk_url, token = row
+    raise NotImplementedError(client_id, honk_url, token)
-def new_client(cert_hash, lonk_url):
-    db_con = db_connect()
+def new_client_stage_1_ask_server(lonk_url):
     if not lonk_url.query:
-        print(f"10 Honk server URL (for example:\r")
+        print("10 Honk server URL (for example:\r")
     splitted = urlsplit(unquote(lonk_url.query))
     honk_url = urlunsplit((splitted.scheme, splitted.netloc, "", "", ""))
-    raise RuntimeError(honk_url)
+    path = [quote(urlunsplit((splitted.scheme, splitted.netloc, "", "", "")), safe=""), "ask_username"]
+    print(f'30 {}\r')
+def new_client_stage_2_ask_username(lonk_url):
+    if not lonk_url.query:
+        print("10 Honk user name\r")
+        return
+    if len(lonk_url.splitted_path) < 3:
+        print('59 Bad request\r')
+        return
+    quoted_server = lonk_url.splitted_path[-2]
+    path = [quoted_server, quote(unquote(lonk_url.query), safe=""), "ask_password"]
+    print(f'30 {}\r')
+def new_client_stage_3_ask_password(cert_hash, lonk_url):
+    if not lonk_url.query:
+        print("10 Honk user password\r")
+        return
+    if len(lonk_url.splitted_path) < 4:
+        print('59 Bad request\r')
+        return
+    honk_url = unquote(lonk_url.splitted_path[-3])
+    post_data = {
+        "username": unquote(lonk_url.splitted_path[-2]),
+        "password": unquote(lonk_url.query),
+        "gettoken": "1",
+    }
+    with urlopen(honk_url + "/dologin", data=urlencode(post_data).encode(), timeout=15) as f:
+        token ="utf8")
+    db_con = db_connect()
+    with db_con:
+        db_con.execute(
+            "INSERT INTO client (cert_hash, honk_url, token) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
+            (cert_hash, honk_url, token)
+        )
+    print(f'30 {[])}\r')
 def proxy(mime, url):
     with urlopen(url, timeout=10) as f:
         stdout.buffer.write(b"20 " + mime.encode() + b"\r\n")
@@ -316,15 +371,19 @@ def proxy(mime, url):
 def vgi(cert_hash):
-    url = urlsplit(input().strip())
-    page = [part for part in url.path.split("/") if part][-1]
-    if page == "lonk":
-        # demo(url)
-        lonk(cert_hash, url)
-    elif page == "new_client":
-        new_client(cert_hash, url)
-    elif page == "proxy":
-        query = {pair[0]: pair[1] for pair in parse_qsl(url.query)}
+    lonk_url = LonkUrl(input().strip())
+    if == "lonk":
+        lonk(cert_hash, lonk_url)
+    elif == "demo":
+        demo(lonk_url)
+    elif == "ask_server":
+        new_client_stage_1_ask_server(lonk_url)
+    elif == "ask_username":
+        new_client_stage_2_ask_username(lonk_url)
+    elif == "ask_password":
+        new_client_stage_3_ask_password(cert_hash, lonk_url)
+    elif == "proxy":
+        query = {pair[0]: pair[1] for pair in parse_qsl(lonk_url.query)}
         if "m" not in query or "u" not in query:
             print("51 Not found\r")