
Add "SNI-based routing" task

New release: 0.1.4

Remove debug log

Refactoring of logging

Add: more logs

Add: more logs (raw buffer on "Bad request")

Add workaround: tls_write return 0 infinitely (debug log based)

Add: more logs

Hypothesis: tls_write infinitely returns 0

Chek for tls_write returned 0

Del: unnecessary condition

Add: more logs

Add thread id logging

Add more debug prints

Add time labels (debug)

Fix: Defining _LIBCPP_DEBUG is not supported anymore. Please use _LIBCPP_ENABLE_DEBUG_MODE instead.

Upd: latest version (tag v0.1.3)

Fix: Providing a MIME type for status 20 responses is now mandatory gemini://

Fix: vostok ASCII art log

Add ASCII Art logo

Append years


Fix: redirect "dir" to "dir/"

WiP: split open_file and open_directory

Fix: keep slash at end of URL