
Fixes reports/0.0.1.gmi

Add link to development blog

Append and fix docs

Append first report

Add project README

Add 0BSD licence

Big refactoring: client is not need, entire project is a server

Cross platform build: alpine linux tested (`libressl-dev` required)

Read file content and return it

Add v0.1.1 report template


Path (from URL) normalization

Refactoring: URL normalization to separate module

Refactoring: separate Gemini specification


Separate `command_line_arguments` module

Re-implement `span`

Ignore .swp files (vim)

Parse URL (initial implemetation)

Revert assert

Return to C++11, use span<> from

Empty meta on successfully response

Return temporary response implementation

Receive request implemented

Refectored: error handling